
Important update

Due to overwhelming demand for our services the waiting lists for our Residential Assistance Dog Programme and our 'At Home' Assistance Dog Programme are now closed.

We will not be sending out any information emails while the waiting lists are closed, and the waiting lists could potentially be closed for months. We apologies for any disappointment that this may cause.  

Any enquiries made during the time that the waiting lists are closed will be added to a list, and will be sent information emails once the waiting lists are open again.  

We will review opening the waiting lists again once a month. We will notify people about the result of each monthly review via our mailing list.

You can sign up to our email newsletter on this form:

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Anybody who has already received information emails for either of these Programmes can still apply.  

Please note that the waiting list is still open for our Therapy Dog Programme (in which we train dogs to work in SEN environments in educational establishments and hospitals). If you would like information about how to apply for this Programme, please email us at info@autismdogs.co.uk

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